Quality Assurance (QA) specialist is an inevitable part of every successful web project. An experienced quality assurance engineer knows all the aspects of the business and programming features of the product, which allows aligning interests of clients, developers, and owners. Such a person has the most suitable position to influence all the aspects of the product and fix it before customers get a negative experience. Orange Sputnik knows all the hidden aspects of software businesses and will help to find the most suitable QA engineers for your needs via the Staff Augmentation approach.
Being located in Ukraine and having 5+ years of experience in staff augmentation, Orange Sputnik creates the most suitable conditions to hire developers for startups and IT businesses from abroad.
Those who opened all the benefits of remote dedicated teams should understand that the QA manager is some kind of additional control over the outstaffing team. The business owner can be not familiar with code specifics, so the person with understanding both the programming side and the whole idea of the project can be an intermediary. Moreover, such an engineer is responsible for the quality of the product and will fix the issues if needed.
Another specific point to be mentioned is the psychological side. Thus, a developer cannot adequately test his product, evaluate the quality of the code or approaches used, even having and using advanced tools for it. In this case, a remote senior QA engineer will explain all the specific points and issues to the concrete developer personally and provide an appropriate working process with fixing problematic aspects.
Orange Sputnik is always open to suggest the best Dedicated Software Developers for your business. The vast talent pool of Remote Developers and our 10+ years experience ensure the best match precisely for your needs.
Today Orange Sputnik operates offices in Sofia and Utrecht.